Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Office parties are increasingly becoming the venue for pitting the working mother against her stay-at-home sister.Whether you are there in your own right or as your partner’s guest,maternal chit-chat is bound to have you questioning your decision.Office parties are much easier for working mothers to handle as they are on their own territory among colleagues and find it that much easier to talk about home as well as work.But the full-time mother who is there courtesy her partner,has probably just made after coping with the child’s tantrum or dropping her father at the hospital and feels a little insecure among people who are at best acquaintances.

If you are a working mother you wonder if your children are alright on their own and the guilt leaves you doubting yourself.But you know you are the kind of mother who would never have been happy without a job.And you console yourself with the thought that because you are working,you are a happier mother when you are with the children.

On the other hand a woman who is not working outside the home may feel inadequate about not working as well as running a home and looking after children.Once you are happy with the choice you have made,it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.You are no longer defensive about your full time mum status and revel in dispelling the notion that all stay-at-home mums do is have their hair done and attend kitty-parties.Full-time mums are the ones who are hard pressed for time,juggling all kinds of chores that working mothers have long delegated to others.Either way for most mothers, experience brings confidence and security and happiness in the choice they have made ----- HOPEFULLY!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Delicious and Nutritious Family Meals - 3

Another lovely meal for you and your family.All the recipes are enriched with vitamins,minerals and energy.These are so much time saving and you can enjoy a healthy delicious meal with family spending some quality time with them.

200gms potatoes; 100 gms whole baby sweetcorns; 100gms French beans; 20 gms butter

Cook the halved potatoes in lightly salted water for 7-8 minutes,then add the baby sweetcorn and French beans and cook for a further 7-8 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.Toss in butter before seving.

Goodness quotient : This interesting combination of vegetables provide a lot of vitamins and minerals.Potatoes are rich sources of starch and potassium,which are very good for the heart.

3OOgms macaroni; olive oil; 2 large capsicums,deseeded and diced; 3 tomatoes,diced; salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Cook macaroni according to package instructions in boiling salted water.Drain.Heat some olive oil or any other cooking oil and add the tomatoes.Cook for a minute  or two,then add the capsicum.Cover and cook for a few minutes till the capsicum is soft,add seasoning and then toss in the macaroni.Mix well and serve hot.

Goodness quotient : A carbohydrate-rich dish,which is enriched with beta carotene and vitamin C.

4 apples,cored; 120ml apple juice or water; 2 tbsp raisins; a little powdered cinnamon; 1 tbsp honey; a little butter or margarine.

Prick the skins of the apples with a fork to prevent them from bursting.Put 1 tbsp raisins into the centre of each apple,sprinkle with cinnamon and pour honey or maple syrup over them.Put them in an ovenproof dish and pour the apple juice or water around the base.Top each with a little butter.Bake in an oven pre-heated to 180 degrees C for about 45 minutes.

Goodness quotient : This recipe is a good source of edible fibre,good for diabetic patients in the family.Despite all the sugar in the dish,this is one dessert that the patient can enjoy a small helping of.It also provides vital calcium and potassium to everyone else.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Girl Who Did Not Talk

There was this little girl who at six months gurgled and drooled and made lovely baby sounds.As the days went by and she turned one year old the babies next door,and her mother’s friends’ babies all started saying words : Mama,biscuit,doggie,bow-wow.But this little girl continued to chuckle and chuckle but not a word!

Mother and Father grew anxious.Took little baby to the paediatrician.The doctor checked her nose,her eyes,her ears,her mouth and exclaimed,”she is perfectly alright,she will talk.”Days grew into weeks,into months and the little baby was now a year and a half.Parents again went to see the doctor.The doctor again checked her nose,her eyes,her ears,her mouth and exclaimed,”Be patient,the baby is perfectly okay and she will talk.”

Baby was walking,making noises,making herself understood,but not talking.Now she was two years old and the parents were getting tense and worried.Baby used to visit the grocer with her mother and the grocer was a kind man who always gave her a banana.One fine morning as they drove by the grocer’s shop,suddenly baby sang out,”I love banana,I want banana.”Father was stunned,mother almost fainted with happiness.”She is talking! She is talking!”And now we wish she would stop talking!

This little baby is ASHITA,my darling.Now three and half year old.A full-time story-teller,making her own description of new goings-on.She is a chatter-box and we just love her a lot.!!!!!!!!!!
This song actually shows how I experience to be her proud mom……


We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine

Now you want to be free
So I'm letting you fly
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Foods and Fads: DELICIOUS FAMILY MEALS - 2: "Here is another fun-filled cooking day for you with easy to make and healthy recipes.I bet you are going to love them. WHOLE TOMATOES IN..."


Here is another fun-filled cooking day for you with easy to make and healthy recipes.I bet you are going to love them.

8 firm tomatoes; 8 tsp red wine; salt and pepper;lettuce leaves to serve if desired.

Cut 8 large squares of double thick foil.Cup each tomato in foil but do not completely enclose.Pour over one teaspoon of wine and season to taste with salt and pepper.Mould foil around tomatoes securely to prevent juices escaping.Cook these packages in a moderate oven for about 10 minutes.Unwrap and transfer to serving plates,spooning wine-flavoured juices over tomatoes.Serve on a bed of lettuce leaves.

Goodness Quotient : Flavoured tomatoes with wine are good source of beta carotene and vitamin C.Red wine is also good for the heart.

500 gms potatoes,peeled and diced; 250 gm sprouts; salt and freshly ground black pepper; large knob of butter; good pinch freshly grated nutmeg; 50gm cheese,grated

Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for about 15 minutes until tender.Drain,then mash with the sprouts,seasoning,butter and nutmeg to taste.Spoon into a heatproof dish,sprinkle with cheese and grill.

Goodness quotient : A nutritious snack for children.This dish provides protein,energy,fat,calcium and a good amount of B complex and vitamin C.

350 gms carrots; salt and freshly ground pepper to taste; 20 gms butter

Scrape or peel 350 gms of carrots and cut into fingers.Steam for about 10 to 15 minutes until they are just tender.Then add seasonings and butter to taste.

Goodness quotient : A nutritious finger food for all,which provides beta carotene and fat.


Monday, June 27, 2011


The latest trend amongst families,new mothers and mommies is Mall Walking. This is not another fitness mania but actually a convenient way to get some cardio activity and reduce weight.
There may not be many benefits about walking in the mall,but less harm while you spend some family time there.
You can walk in any weather: With mall walking, you can never have the heat, rain, snow or the wind as an excuse for not exercising. Since the temperatures in malls are controlled, you have a perfect climate all year through.Walking 30 minutes or more is the best exercise to reduce weight.

Safety: Since you are walking inside the mall, you don’t have to worry about getting mugged, teased or even hit by traffic.

Clean and pollution free environment: You don’t have to jump over puddles, or try to avoid stepping on dog poop or worry about your allergies acting up due to pollution.

No cost: Unlike gyms, the malls won’t charge you for walking-so that means you won’t be paying a hefty membership or monthly charges.

How to get started?
As for any exercise routine, ask your doctor or health care provider if you are fit for walking.

Invest in some comfortable workout clothes-even though it’s the hippest mall around, you can’t be exercising in your skinny jeans.

Put on your walking/exercise shoes as again stilettos are a strict no-no for exercising.

Start with 10-15 minutes of walking at a pace that you are comfortable and then after a couple of days increase the pace and the duration.

Get a walking buddy (or partner) to keep you both motivated. A walk buddy is effective in achieving your goals to reduce weight.

What are the disadvantages?
It could be heavy on your pocket-the main reasons why mall owners are happy about letting you use the mall! Walking by the displays in the shops could make your wallet lighter even if you aren’t a shopaholic!

If you get tempted by the aromas from the food court, you could be getting in more calories than you burnt! The solution to this would be to walk without your wallet or just get minimum cash (just in case of emergencies).

Money is a great motivator and everyone wants to get their money’s worth. Mall walking is free, so you need to motivate yourself to exercise.

Since the surface is hard, make sure you are wearing good shock absorbing shoes to protect your joints.

So this summer, don’t let the heat bother you too much-just slip on your walking shoes and go ‘mall walking’.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011



Have light food
If you plan to eat out in the evening,then make sure your lunch is full of salads and vegetables.Have lots of water throughout the day.Just in case,eating out was not planned before hand,don’t worry!you can always order for a light dinner which may include salads,soups,diet drinks,etc.

Enjoy the company you are in.Let it be your spouse ,your kids,your family,or friends talk to them,remember old days,be more interactive and show your skills not by eating but being the attraction to all.

Avoid ordering menu items with thick gravies.This will definitely add on extra calories and if you are a foodie you might end up eating more portions.

Always remember to start your meals with volume,water,diet drinks,raw vegetables salads or clear soups.

Mind your P’s and S’s

P – planning
P – portion size
P – pace yourself
S – sugar
S – sodium

Planning your meal before hand is always helpful.If you know where you will be eating,you can plan the menu or keep in mind the low calorie choices.
Portion size does matter.Instead of filling the stomach with one kind of food,take small portions of different foods.
Keep a slow pace while eating.The mind takes 15-20 minutes to understand and realize the eating process.Give a gap of atleast 15 minutes for ordering the main course or other dishes.Again the same applies here “eat less,talk more”.Eating should not be the sole aim to go out and spend time.
Check your sugar and sodium contents of meal.Too many sweets and desserts or very fried and spicy dishes are not good for health.

Follow ups after eating out

Neutralise your junk food with antioxidants like fruits and vegetables.
Detoxify yourself once in 15 days.
Make water an important part of your daily eating for optimal health and maximum energy.
Alcohol and tobacco spoil the quality of your LIFE.
Exercise is not a choice – IT’S A MUST!!!
Brisk walking 30 minutes a day for 5 days will improve fitness.


Friday, May 27, 2011


Most children aged 2-10 yrs are considered to be picky eaters.Mothers generally have lots of questions in mind regarding the nutrition of their child.Example-

1.Am I giving him/her the right food?
2.Is he/she getting complete nutrition?
3.Does he/she have good immunity?
4.Is his/her weight and height right for his/her age?

Reaserches based on Indian families show,80% of Indian mothers consider their child as a picky eater.About 50% mothers feel that their child falls sick very often,57% says their child lacks weight gain.
So,it is necessary for the mothers to provide with complete nutrition and a balanced meal plan.To add variety and taste to the dishes for your little one’s try these different color gravies.

WHITE GRAVY: Cashewnuts,milk,curd,fresh cream and onion

GREEN GRAVY: Green leafy vegetables,coriander leaves,curry leaves,green chillies and other spices of your choice.

RED GRAVY: Tomatoes,dry red chillies.

BROWN GRAVY: Saute coconut in pan,add onion and poppy seeds.(This is usually for non-veg preparations)

Also try your own innovative ideas as children love changes.No one can know your child better than yourself.Try finding out his/her likes and dislikes and make the food more presentable and palatable as it’s a well known fact that you eat your food first with your eyes and then with your mouth.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Coconut water is available easily and has amazing health benefits.It is a natural isotonic drink,which packed with lots of nutrients.It is low in carbs,99% fat free and low in sugar content
  • Drinking coconut water keeps the body cool and also aids in maintaining a normal body temperature
  • It facilitates the effective transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the cells
  • As coconut water is an isotonic beverage, it orally re-hydrates the body and and naturally replenishes the body's fluids, which are lost while exercising
  • It also helps to raise the metabolism rate of the body, thereby promoting weight loss
  • This elixir also gives a boost to the immunity system, and strengthens the body's ability to detoxify and fight diseases
  • Coconut water is an effective digestive tract cleanser
  • It proves beneficial for diabetic patients to control diabetes
  • Aids your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes, and AIDS
  • Helps keep the pH balance in check, thereby reducing the risk of cancer
  • It is also beneficial in treating kidney and urethral stones.