Thursday, August 14, 2014


How many of us remember as a child, eating the worst things in our plate first and saving the best for the last.May be you can see your kids doing that.
Or saving the last chocolate which sometimes you don’t get to eat because you brother or sister finds out first where you hide it.
Or that candy ice-cream that you hold in your hand waiting for your friend to finish hers first,eventually yours melting.

Sometimes you have to lose something before actually appreciating it’s worth.It is sad...but true!!
Every time I am thinking what i have lost,I remind myself of what I have… two beautiful daughters...I  am missing on that very moment thinking about the past.
We forget to live in the present.All moments are so precious, only if we choose to see them as such.
We never realize that just being together and being alive is reason enough to celebrate.Most of us keep waiting for the special moment when things will begin to feel special.We keep happiness on hold in anticipation of a better tomorrow.Why not make every moment…..why not rejoice the moment of life and stay prepared for the moment of death….which is obvious but the time is undecided.

How often do we tell our parents,partner or children that we love them and are thankful to them for being in our lives.We don’t make them feel important everyday but wait for special occasions to come like birthdays,anniversaries,etc,etc.We have to enjoy life everyday and not on special occasions.
Call a friend you have been wanting to talking to from a long time…..wear your favourite clothes today…...treat yourself with something nice today…..may be your favourite dessert,a spa or a glass of wine.  ;) :)
I have started to take the best part or pieces first and do not wait anymore for the future.You never know where you’ll be tomorrow.Don’t save the best for the last which may never come.Live in the moment.

Enjoy the long weekend.(15th -18th august 2014)



  1. Very well Written Ms. Jain.
    Life is so uncertain so One must enjoy it fully.

  2. Very well said shweta! Agree with you. How uncertain life could be, I now very well know... Tomorrow never comes. ...hence enjoy and live in the moment.
