Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Celebrating Red Day

A Red Day!!!!  whatt???!!!! yes, you read it right.Ohh,its not a national day or a holiday….just celebrated at my home today.(see pics).
Everyday I wake up, I have some plans for the day ahead……....usually I do.And with me, also wakes up my SHIN CHAN, the little devil(anika).Even she has some plans for the day…..but the main target is her poor mom or call it a supermom.

“So today, when I (ANIKA) woke up,and saw mumma(me) with almost work done and a smile on her face, which said “mission accomplished” I thought of a new play never played before.Let me play with the food colour that I saw the other day,kept in the kitchen drawer.And here we go..1..2..3…”

No worries dear, mumma is ready to play and capture moments to be cherished later.
And so we printed hand and foot on a sheet , made red aatta (flour),ate red chapati (Indian bread) and had whole loads of fun.So what if I had to do the mopping and cleaning floor again….or wash more clothes than usual….or even re-do the kitchen thing.

We made memories.


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