Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Office parties are increasingly becoming the venue for pitting the working mother against her stay-at-home sister.Whether you are there in your own right or as your partner’s guest,maternal chit-chat is bound to have you questioning your decision.Office parties are much easier for working mothers to handle as they are on their own territory among colleagues and find it that much easier to talk about home as well as work.But the full-time mother who is there courtesy her partner,has probably just made after coping with the child’s tantrum or dropping her father at the hospital and feels a little insecure among people who are at best acquaintances.

If you are a working mother you wonder if your children are alright on their own and the guilt leaves you doubting yourself.But you know you are the kind of mother who would never have been happy without a job.And you console yourself with the thought that because you are working,you are a happier mother when you are with the children.

On the other hand a woman who is not working outside the home may feel inadequate about not working as well as running a home and looking after children.Once you are happy with the choice you have made,it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.You are no longer defensive about your full time mum status and revel in dispelling the notion that all stay-at-home mums do is have their hair done and attend kitty-parties.Full-time mums are the ones who are hard pressed for time,juggling all kinds of chores that working mothers have long delegated to others.Either way for most mothers, experience brings confidence and security and happiness in the choice they have made ----- HOPEFULLY!!

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